The 1st website in Czech Republic specially dedicated to men.

Due to the fact, that people who search for informational and psychosocial support in infertility solving are almost exclusively women, there are no men in Internet support groups. The problem is always medially presented as being a burden only for women, as if men were not interested in parenthood.

The aim of Adam’s Web is to show, that infertility hurts both women and men. It is a sensitive problem, so it is easier for many men to talk about it using ICTs, instead of face to face conversations – that’s why the organizers have created a webpage, where they try to give information on infertility in men-acceptable ways, with humor.

Webmastering, writing articles, reviewing correctness of offered information (on adoption and foster care, reproductive medicine, demography, etc.), translations to other languages (because Czech Republic is a target of cross border reproductive care) – the whole project is based on e-volunteerism.

Who are your e-volunteers?

Student (webmaster), university teachers (writing articles, gaining information), researcher (gaining information), expert in area of adoption and foster care, experts in area of reproductive medicine, translators, former patients.

Whom do you address your activity to? Who is the recipient?

men planning family, men from couples suffering from infertility


Name of organization: Adam Czech Republic

Project title: Adam’s Web

Project website: