Project is a website containing information about: life and the difficulties that the employees can encounter at work, specific difficulties that executives can face, work efficiency etc. It is also a network of counseling assistance by e-mail.


This network is called „APPI” (Help Personalized by Internet). Thereby the competent volunteer talks about his experience to the asking Internet user. If necessary, he gets professional additional training: company doctor, engineer, police officer, jurist etc. This training can even contribute to the acquisition of a VAE (Valuation of Acquired Experience) which sometimes results in a recognized diploma.

Who are the e-volunteers?

The team of the e-volunteers is made up for one part of professionals whose function is to train the e-volunteers and to verify the passed-on information, and for the other part of non-specialists.

Whom do you address your activity to? Who is the recipient?

The activities of Acser concern executives, employees and jobs seekers. The e-volunteers as well as the Internet visitors come from the same background.

Name of the organization: ACSER

Project title: ACSER For a better professional and personal life

Project website: