Dawca.pl is an online social campaign that promotes conscious organ, bone marrow and blood donation. Its work is based mainly on the e-ducation through the website, Facebook, as well as e-learning tools.

Laureate of the 1st edition of the  


The campaign uses social marketing tools to reach society in different ways, with such important subject as helping others through organs transplantation. In promoting the issue Dawca.pl uses also its website, Polish first Internet transplantology tuition and world’s first application on Facebook promoting declaration of will to donate organs.

The Dawca.pl team is a group of students from University of Gdańsk in the faculty of Medicine and Law. One of the major goal of their actions is to bring to life discussion and volunteer movement, who together with them will promote the idea of transplantology through the Internet.



Who are the e-volunteers?

Volunteers are mainly people who are close with the idea of saving lives in a direct or indirect form. They are people who regularly donate blood, are registered as marrow donors and who carry their declarations of will as a way to support transplantology.

Whom do you address your activity to? Who is the recipient?

The activity of Dawca.pl is aimed primarily at young people entering their lives – visualize them the importance of the subject of transplantology. However, website www.dawca.pl, internet tuition and applications are accessible to all the internet users.


Name of organisation: Polskie Towarzystwo Programów Zdrowotnych


Project website: http://www.dawca.pl/