Young people are the trigger that activates civil society! 'Do Something’ project promotes the civic participation and entrepreneurship amongst the Portuguese youth. It uses the power of Internet to connect young people and allows them to turn their ideas into positive actions for their communities.


Through a web platform, 'Do Something’ promotes six programs for different causes (e.g.: Environment, Arts, Human Rights, Poverty, etc.). These programs are: action tips and volunteering opportunities; support to the creation of 'Do Something’ Clubs; financing youngsters’ social projects; campaigns for causes; training and networking boot camps; the 'Do Something’ Awards that distinguish the young people that made a greater impact in their communities.

Who are the e-volunteers?

The e-volunteers working with 'Do Something’ are young Portuguese people from several parts of the country, who are interested in volunteering and taking action in a positive way. Most of the volunteers are high school and university students, but there are also a few young graduates.

Whom do you address your activity to? Who is the recipient?

Do Something is directed to young Portuguese with ages between 13 and 30 years old, in order to mobilize them for an active participation and increase these age group’s volunteering rate.


Name of the organization: TESE – Associação Para o Desenvolvimento

Project title: 'Do Something’
